Accept Cookies Button

I came across this button while browsing for Dota2 tournament videos on Gosugamers. 

Original Button
Original Button

A couple of thoughts struck me regarding the diction:

Approve The Cookies

This website uses cookies to improve your user experience

The title is somewhat authoritarian and imperative, and the copy is vague and uninformative. How does it improve my user experience?

Below are some revisions with a different approaches in the diction:

Option 1: Conversational
Option 1: Conversational
Option 2: Friendly
Option 2: Friendly
Option 3: Informative and Empowering
Option 3: Informative and Empowering

I think that an Accept Cookies button is good to have, and in this case, an improvement in the tone would greatly benefit this button.

There are actually very clear benefits for the user of this site to accept cookies - for example, it can remember the search terms I had entered last time, so I can pick up where I left off catching up in a tournament. Currently, this button doesn't help make that case to convince me to click on it!

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